加拿大穀飼頂級AAA牛仔骨片(已切) 300g [需烹調] Canadian Grain-fed Beef Shortrib (Sliced) 300g [Need to be cooked]



  1. 穀飼牛肉:加拿大穀飼頂級AAA牛仔骨片來自於穀物餵養的牛隻。穀飼牛肉因為在飼養過程中使用穀物餵料,如玉米和大麥,使肉質更加嫩滑、多汁,並賦予了豐富的口感。
  2. 頂級品質:AAA級別是加拿大牛肉的最高評級之一。這代表著牛肉具有卓越的質量和口感。AAA牛肉通常具有優良的肌肉紋理、脂肪分布均勻,並且富含天然的肉汁,提供了優質的牛肉體驗。

  3. 牛仔骨片:牛仔骨片是指帶有骨頭的肉排,通常是牛肉的肋骨部位。這種部位的牛肉由於含有骨髓,所以肉質更加鮮嫩多汁,並且帶有濃郁的風味。

  4. 營養價值:加拿大穀飼頂級AAA牛仔骨片是一種優質的蛋白質來源,同時還富含維生素和礦物質,如鐵、鋅和維生素B12。它是一種營養豐富的食物,有助於維持身體健康和提供能量。

  5. 多種烹飪方法:牛仔骨片非常適合用不同的烹飪方法來呈現其豐富的風味和嫩度。你可以選擇烤、煎、燒烤或者慢煮等方法,根據個人口味和偏好來調整烹調時間和調味料,以獲得最佳的食用體驗。







  1. 將牛仔骨片從冰箱中取出,讓其回到室溫下約30分鐘至1小時。
  2. 預熱烤箱至高溫(約230°C)。
  3. 在牛仔骨片上均勻地塗抹橄欖油,然後用適量的鹽和黑胡椒調味。
  4. 將牛仔骨片放在預熱的烤盤上,然後放入預熱的烤箱中。
  5. 根據你喜歡的熟度,烤約4-6分鐘(中熟)或根據需要調整時間。
  6. 取出烤好的牛仔骨片,讓其休息幾分鐘,以保持肉汁均勻分布。然後即可享用。


  1. 將牛仔骨片從冰箱中取出,讓其回到室溫下約30分鐘至1小時。
  2. 在平底鍋中加熱橄欖油或牛油,使其達到中高溫。
  3. 將牛仔骨片放入鍋中,煎約3-4分鐘,然後翻轉到另一面繼續煎3-4分鐘,以達到你喜歡的熟度。
  4. 煎好後,將牛仔骨片取出,放在烤架上或烤盤上讓其休息幾分鐘,以保持肉汁均勻分布。然後即可享用。

Canadian Grain-fed Beef Shortrib (Sliced)

Grain-Fed Beef: Canadian Grain-Fed Prime AAA Beef Shortrib comes from cattle that have been fed a diet primarily consisting of grains. The use of grain feed, such as corn and barley, during the rearing process results in tender, juicy meat with enhanced flavor and a rich texture.

Top Quality: AAA is one of the highest grades for Canadian beef. It represents exceptional quality and taste. AAA beef typically exhibits excellent muscle texture, even fat distribution, and is naturally juicy, providing a premium beef experience.

Beef Shortrib: Beef shortrib refers to a cut of beef taken from the rib section of the animal. This cut is known for its meaty, flavorful, and succulent characteristics. It offers a rich, marbled texture and is perfect for slow cooking methods.

Nutritional Value: Canadian Grain-Fed Prime AAA Beef Shortrib is a high-quality source of protein and is rich in vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. It is a nutritionally dense food that contributes to maintaining a healthy body and provides energy.

Various Cooking Methods: Beef shortrib is versatile and can be prepared using different cooking methods to bring out its rich flavor and tenderness. It is ideal for braising, slow cooking, or roasting, allowing the meat to become tender and juicy while developing deep flavors.

Origin: Canada

Weight: Approximately 300g

Storage: Store at or below -18°C upon receipt

Recommended Thawing Method: Thaw the product naturally in a refrigerator at 0-5°C for optimal freshness. It is recommended to consume immediately after thawing.

Rapid Thawing Method: Submerge the packaged product in water for rapid thawing.

Cooking Method: Braised Beef Shortrib:

  1. Remove the beef shortrib from the refrigerator and let it come to room temperature for about 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  2. Preheat the oven to a moderate temperature (approximately 160°C).
  3. Season the beef shortrib with salt, pepper, and other desired spices or herbs.
  4. Heat a large ovenproof pot or Dutch oven over medium-high heat and add a small amount of oil.
  5. Sear the beef shortrib on all sides until browned.
  6. Add liquid (such as beef broth, red wine, or a combination) to the pot, covering about 2/3 of the meat.
  7. Cover the pot and transfer it to the preheated oven.
  8. Braise the beef shortrib for approximately 3-4 hours, or until the meat is tender and easily pulls apart.
  9. Remove from the oven and let it rest for a few minutes before serving. The braising liquid can be strained and reduced into a sauce, if desired. Enjoy.

Slow-Cooked Beef Shortrib:

  1. Remove the beef shortrib from the refrigerator and let it come to room temperature for about 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  2. Season the beef shortrib with salt, pepper, and other desired spices or herbs.
  3. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and add a small amount of oil.
  4. Sear the beef shortrib on all sides until browned.
  5. Transfer the beef shortrib to a slow cooker or crockpot.
  6. Add liquid (such as beef broth, red wine, or a combination) to the slow cooker, covering about 2/3 of the meat.
  7. Cook on low heat for approximately 6-8 hours or on high heat for 4-5 hours, until the meat is tender and easily pulls apart.
  8. Once cooked, remove from the slow cooker and let it rest for a few minutes before serving. Serve with the cooking


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九龍區及新界區(偏遠地區例外)購物滿 $600,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $600 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

港島區、西貢、東涌及其他偏遠地區消費滿$1500,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $800 的每張訂單將收取運費 $210、滿$800,而不足$1500 的每張訂單將收取運費$60(尊貴會員除外),歡迎下單前聯絡本公司查詢。




香港、九龍及新界區,我們的運輸隊伍逢星期一至日 及 公眾假期,都會為顧客安排送貨服務。 我們會優先處理指定地址樓下附近交收,暫不設上樓 及 指定時間送貨服務。顧客可以選擇不同的時間帶送貨。


—11:00 - 14:00

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屯元天消費滿$400,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $400 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

九龍區及新界區(偏遠地區例外)購物滿 $600,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $600 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

港島區、西貢、東涌及其他偏遠地區消費滿$1500,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $800 的每張訂單將收取運費 $210、滿$800,而不足$1500 的每張訂單將收取運費$60(尊貴會員除外),歡迎下單前聯絡本公司查詢。




香港、九龍及新界區,我們的運輸隊伍逢星期一至日 及 公眾假期,都會為顧客安排送貨服務。 我們會優先處理指定地址樓下附近交收,暫不設上樓 及 指定時間送貨服務。顧客可以選擇不同的時間帶送貨。


—11:00 - 14:00

—14:00 - 18:00

—17:00 - 20:00



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