Manna J 手羽餃子明太子味 500g [需烹調] Manna J Chicken Wing Dumplings with Cod Roe Flavor [Need to be cooked]







  1. 先將手羽餃子解凍,最好是將其放入冰箱冷藏室中自然解凍。
  2. 將一個大鍋子裝滿水,加入適量的鹽和油,放在爐上煮沸。
  3. 把手羽餃子放入沸水中,用中火煮約8分鐘。
  4. 撇去浮沫,然後轉成小火繼續煮約2分鐘。
  5. 用勺子撇去多餘的水分,取出手羽餃子。
  6. 在平底鍋中加熱少量油,將手羽餃子放入平底鍋,煎至兩面金黃。
  7. 加入適量的水,蓋上鍋蓋,用中小火煮約5分鐘,使手羽餃子充分入味。
  8. 取出手羽餃子,裝盤即可享用。可以搭配喜歡的醬料或調味料食用。


  1. 將手羽餃子排放在氣炸鍋的網架上,確保它們之間有足夠的空間。
  2. 將氣炸鍋預熱至約180°C。
  3. 將手羽餃子放入氣炸鍋中,設定烹調時間為12至15分鐘,視乎手羽餃子的大小和氣炸鍋的功率而定。
  4. 在烹調過程中,每隔幾分鐘搖動氣炸鍋,以確保手羽餃子均勻受熱。
  5. 將烤好的手羽餃子取出,趁熱享用。可以搭配各種調味料,如辣椒醬、醬油、醋等。


  1. 將手羽餃子平鋪在烤盤上,放入預熱至180°C的焗爐中烤約20-25分鐘,直到餃子變成金黃色和熟透。
  2. 烤製時可以將餃子刷上少量油,這樣可以使其更加酥脆。
  3. 在烤的過程中,可以每隔5-10分鐘打開焗爐檢查一下餃子的狀況,並轉動餃子,以確保它們烤製得均勻。
  4. 烤好後,將手羽餃子取出,配上喜歡的醬料即可享用。

Chicken wing dumplings are a type of dumpling made with chicken wings as the skin, named for their finger-like shape.

Chicken and pork are commonly used as the filling for chicken wing dumplings, and vegetables and spices may also be added for seasoning.

To make chicken wing dumplings, the filling is wrapped in chicken wing skin and then fried or grilled until golden brown and cooked through.

Chicken wing dumplings are a popular snack or appetizer, commonly found in restaurants and street vendors in countries such as China and Japan.

They are rich in nutrients and protein, but also high in fat and calories, so their consumption should be controlled accordingly.

Origin: PRC

Weight: 500g (10 pieces)

Storage: Store in a refrigerator at or below -18°C upon receipt.

Thawing method: Place in a 0-4°C refrigerator for approximately 8-12 hours.

Quick thawing method: Immerse the package in water and rinse under running water for approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Cooking Method 1 (Boiling):

  1. First, thaw the chicken wings dumplings, preferably by leaving them in the refrigerator to thaw naturally.
  2. Fill a large pot with water, add a moderate amount of salt and oil, and bring to a boil on the stove.
  3. Put the chicken wings dumplings into the boiling water and cook over medium heat for about 8 minutes.
  4. Remove the foam, then reduce the heat to low and continue cooking for about 2 minutes. Remove excess water with a spoon, and take out the chicken wings dumplings.
  5. Heat a small amount of oil in a flat-bottomed pan, place the chicken wings dumplings in the pan, and fry until golden brown on both sides.
  6. Add a moderate amount of water, cover the pan, and cook over medium-low heat for about 5 minutes, allowing the chicken wings dumplings to fully absorb the flavors.
  7. Take out the chicken wings dumplings, plate them, and enjoy with your favorite sauce or seasoning.

Cooking Method 2 (Air-Frying):

  1. Arrange the chicken wings dumplings on the mesh tray of the air fryer, ensuring that there is enough space between them.
  2. Preheat the air fryer to about 180°C. Place the chicken wings dumplings in the air fryer and set the cooking time to 12-15 minutes, depending on the size of the chicken wings dumplings and the power of the air fryer.
  3. During the cooking process, shake the air fryer every few minutes to ensure even heating of the chicken wings dumplings.
  4. Take out the cooked chicken wings dumplings and enjoy while still hot. You can pair them with various seasonings such as chili sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, etc.

Cooking Method 3 (Oven):

  1. Spread the chicken wings dumplings flat on a baking sheet, and put them in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 20-25 minutes, until they turn golden brown and fully cooked.
  2. During baking, you can brush a small amount of oil on the chicken wings dumplings to make them more crispy.
  3. During the baking process, open the oven every 5-10 minutes to check the status of the chicken wings dumplings, and rotate them to ensure even baking.
  4. After baking, take out the chicken wings dumplings, serve them with your favorite sauce, and enjoy.



手羽餃子 (明太子味)








  1. 先將手羽餃子解凍,最好是將其放入冰箱冷藏室中自然解凍。
  2. 將一個大鍋子裝滿水,加入適量的鹽和油,放在爐上煮沸。
  3. 把手羽餃子放入沸水中,用中火煮約8分鐘。
  4. 撇去浮沫,然後轉成小火繼續煮約2分鐘。
  5. 用勺子撇去多餘的水分,取出手羽餃子。
  6. 在平底鍋中加熱少量油,將手羽餃子放入平底鍋,煎至兩面金黃。
  7. 加入適量的水,蓋上鍋蓋,用中小火煮約5分鐘,使手羽餃子充分入味。
  8. 取出手羽餃子,裝盤即可享用。可以搭配喜歡的醬料或調味料食用。


  1. 將手羽餃子排放在氣炸鍋的網架上,確保它們之間有足夠的空間。
  2. 將氣炸鍋預熱至約180°C。
  3. 將手羽餃子放入氣炸鍋中,設定烹調時間為12至15分鐘,視乎手羽餃子的大小和氣炸鍋的功率而定。
  4. 在烹調過程中,每隔幾分鐘搖動氣炸鍋,以確保手羽餃子均勻受熱。
  5. 將烤好的手羽餃子取出,趁熱享用。可以搭配各種調味料,如辣椒醬、醬油、醋等。


  1. 將手羽餃子平鋪在烤盤上,放入預熱至180°C的焗爐中烤約20-25分鐘,直到餃子變成金黃色和熟透。
  2. 烤製時可以將餃子刷上少量油,這樣可以使其更加酥脆。
  3. 在烤的過程中,可以每隔5-10分鐘打開焗爐檢查一下餃子的狀況,並轉動餃子,以確保它們烤製得均勻。
  4. 烤好後,將手羽餃子取出,配上喜歡的醬料即可享用。

Chicken wing dumplings are a type of dumpling made with chicken wings as the skin, named for their finger-like shape.

Chicken and pork are commonly used as the filling for chicken wing dumplings, and vegetables and spices may also be added for seasoning.

To make chicken wing dumplings, the filling is wrapped in chicken wing skin and then fried or grilled until golden brown and cooked through.

Chicken wing dumplings are a popular snack or appetizer, commonly found in restaurants and street vendors in countries such as China and Japan.

They are rich in nutrients and protein, but also high in fat and calories, so their consumption should be controlled accordingly.

Origin: PRC

Weight: 500g (10 pieces)

Storage: Store in a refrigerator at or below -18°C upon receipt.

Thawing method: Place in a 0-4°C refrigerator for approximately 8-12 hours.

Quick thawing method: Immerse the package in water and rinse under running water for approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Cooking Method 1 (Boiling):

  1. First, thaw the chicken wings dumplings, preferably by leaving them in the refrigerator to thaw naturally.
  2. Fill a large pot with water, add a moderate amount of salt and oil, and bring to a boil on the stove.
  3. Put the chicken wings dumplings into the boiling water and cook over medium heat for about 8 minutes.
  4. Remove the foam, then reduce the heat to low and continue cooking for about 2 minutes. Remove excess water with a spoon, and take out the chicken wings dumplings.
  5. Heat a small amount of oil in a flat-bottomed pan, place the chicken wings dumplings in the pan, and fry until golden brown on both sides.
  6. Add a moderate amount of water, cover the pan, and cook over medium-low heat for about 5 minutes, allowing the chicken wings dumplings to fully absorb the flavors.
  7. Take out the chicken wings dumplings, plate them, and enjoy with your favorite sauce or seasoning.

Cooking Method 2 (Air-Frying):

  1. Arrange the chicken wings dumplings on the mesh tray of the air fryer, ensuring that there is enough space between them.
  2. Preheat the air fryer to about 180°C. Place the chicken wings dumplings in the air fryer and set the cooking time to 12-15 minutes, depending on the size of the chicken wings dumplings and the power of the air fryer.
  3. During the cooking process, shake the air fryer every few minutes to ensure even heating of the chicken wings dumplings.
  4. Take out the cooked chicken wings dumplings and enjoy while still hot. You can pair them with various seasonings such as chili sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, etc.

Cooking Method 3 (Oven):

  1. Spread the chicken wings dumplings flat on a baking sheet, and put them in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 20-25 minutes, until they turn golden brown and fully cooked.
  2. During baking, you can brush a small amount of oil on the chicken wings dumplings to make them more crispy.
  3. During the baking process, open the oven every 5-10 minutes to check the status of the chicken wings dumplings, and rotate them to ensure even baking.
  4. After baking, take out the chicken wings dumplings, serve them with your favorite sauce, and enjoy.



手羽餃子 (明太子味)

屯元天消費滿$400,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $400 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

九龍區及新界區(偏遠地區例外)購物滿 $600,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $600 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

港島區、西貢、東涌及其他偏遠地區消費滿$1500,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $800 的每張訂單將收取運費 $210、滿$800,而不足$1500 的每張訂單將收取運費$60(尊貴會員除外),歡迎下單前聯絡本公司查詢。




香港、九龍及新界區,我們的運輸隊伍逢星期一至日 及 公眾假期,都會為顧客安排送貨服務。 我們會優先處理指定地址樓下附近交收,暫不設上樓 及 指定時間送貨服務。顧客可以選擇不同的時間帶送貨。


—11:00 - 14:00

—14:00 - 18:00

—17:00 - 20:00


屯元天消費滿$400,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $400 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

九龍區及新界區(偏遠地區例外)購物滿 $600,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $600 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

港島區、西貢、東涌及其他偏遠地區消費滿$1500,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $800 的每張訂單將收取運費 $210、滿$800,而不足$1500 的每張訂單將收取運費$60(尊貴會員除外),歡迎下單前聯絡本公司查詢。




香港、九龍及新界區,我們的運輸隊伍逢星期一至日 及 公眾假期,都會為顧客安排送貨服務。 我們會優先處理指定地址樓下附近交收,暫不設上樓 及 指定時間送貨服務。顧客可以選擇不同的時間帶送貨。


—11:00 - 14:00

—14:00 - 18:00

—17:00 - 20:00


Customer Reviews

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LAM Chiu Ming

Manna J 手羽雞翼明太子味 500g [需烹調] | Japanese Manna J Chicken Wing with Pollock Roe 500g [Need to be cooked]


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