日本龍蝦沙律 約200g/1kg [解凍即食] Japanese Frozen Lobster Salad ~200g/1kg [Edible after thawing]

$285.00 $58.00


  1. 日本龍蝦沙律是一道融合了日本和西方料理風格的菜餚。它結合了日本的創意和技巧,以及西方沙拉的製作方法,創造出獨特的口味和風味。

  2. 龍蝦是這道菜的主要成分之一。龍蝦是一種高級的海鮮,富含蛋白質、礦物質和Omega-3脂肪酸。它的肉質嫩滑,味道鮮美,是眾多料理中的珍饈之一。

  3. 沙拉醬通常是日本龍蝦沙律的靈魂所在。它是由各種調味料混合而成,例如日本醬油、味醂、芥末、柠檬汁和酱油等。這些醬料的組合提供了濃郁的味道和豐富的層次感,彰顯了龍蝦沙律的獨特風味。

  4. 配料的選擇對於日本龍蝦沙律的口感和美觀至關重要。除了龍蝦之外,常見的配料還包括新鮮的蔬菜如沙拉菜、青豆、胡瓜等,以及如紅蘿蔔絲、芥末籽和香菜等作為裝飾。這些配料的鮮艷色彩和豐富質感提升了整道菜的視覺效果和口感。

  5. 日本龍蝦沙律是一道營養豐富的菜餚。龍蝦提供了高質量的蛋白質和不飽和脂肪酸。此外,蔬菜和其他配料也豐富了菜餚的維生素、纖維和抗氧化劑含量。這道菜不僅美味,也有益健康。







Japanese Frozen Lobster Salad

Japanese Lobster Salad is a dish that combines Japanese and Western culinary styles. It merges the creativity and techniques of Japanese cuisine with the preparation methods of Western salads, creating a unique taste and flavor.

Lobster is one of the main ingredients in this dish. Lobster is a high-end seafood known for its rich protein, minerals, and Omega-3 fatty acids. It has tender meat and a delicious flavor, making it a delicacy in many cuisines.

The salad dressing is often considered the soul of Japanese Lobster Salad. It is made by combining various seasonings such as Japanese soy sauce, mirin, mustard, lemon juice, and soy sauce. This combination of dressings provides a rich taste and layers of flavor, highlighting the unique flavor of the lobster salad.

The choice of ingredients is crucial for the texture and presentation of Japanese Lobster Salad. In addition to lobster, common ingredients include fresh vegetables such as lettuce, green peas, and cucumber, as well as garnishes like shredded carrots, mustard seeds, and cilantro. These colorful and textured ingredients enhance the visual appeal and taste of the dish.

Japanese Lobster Salad is a nutritious dish. Lobster provides high-quality protein and unsaturated fatty acids. Additionally, the vegetables and other ingredients enrich the dish with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. This dish is not only delicious but also beneficial for health.

Origin: Japan

Weight: Approximately 200g; 1kg

Storage: Keep in a freezer at or below -18°C upon receipt to maintain freshness.

Best Thawing Method: Thaw naturally in a refrigerator at 0-5°C, for the best quality and freshness, it is recommended to consume immediately after thawing.

Quick Thawing Method: Place the product, still in its bag, in water to thaw.

Usage: After thawing, it can be served as an appetizer or used to make sushi rolls and hand rolls.

屯元天消費滿$400,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $400 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

九龍區及新界區(偏遠地區例外)購物滿 $600,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $600 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

港島區、西貢、東涌及其他偏遠地區消費滿$1500,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $800 的每張訂單將收取運費 $210、滿$800,而不足$1500 的每張訂單將收取運費$60(尊貴會員除外),歡迎下單前聯絡本公司查詢。




香港、九龍及新界區,我們的運輸隊伍逢星期一至日 及 公眾假期,都會為顧客安排送貨服務。 我們會優先處理指定地址樓下附近交收,暫不設上樓 及 指定時間送貨服務。顧客可以選擇不同的時間帶送貨。


—11:00 - 14:00

—14:00 - 18:00

—17:00 - 20:00


屯元天消費滿$400,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $400 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

九龍區及新界區(偏遠地區例外)購物滿 $600,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $600 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

港島區、西貢、東涌及其他偏遠地區消費滿$1500,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $800 的每張訂單將收取運費 $210、滿$800,而不足$1500 的每張訂單將收取運費$60(尊貴會員除外),歡迎下單前聯絡本公司查詢。




香港、九龍及新界區,我們的運輸隊伍逢星期一至日 及 公眾假期,都會為顧客安排送貨服務。 我們會優先處理指定地址樓下附近交收,暫不設上樓 及 指定時間送貨服務。顧客可以選擇不同的時間帶送貨。


—11:00 - 14:00

—14:00 - 18:00

—17:00 - 20:00



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