時令生蠔 Seasonal Oyster

時令生蠔可有 海水味重/海水味較輕/Creamy 味道。

下單時可在註明或Whatsapp/Signal 通知我們。

如果自問有選擇困難症,不妨交由師傅發板 ~

一般時令生蠔會以 No.2 size 為準,多數會以法國蠔為主。

食用方法: 先用凍水浸15分鐘,再用開蠔刀打開生蠔。
保存方法: 食用前/後把餘留的生蠔用濕毛巾蓋上並放在0 -5°C的雪櫃內,以保持它的鮮味(建議打開生蠔後立即食用),保質期最長為三天。

*不包開蠔 (開蠔另收每隻$2/$5)

Seasonal oysters can have a strong sea flavor / mild sea flavor / creamy taste.
You can notify us about your order through the packaging or via Whatsapp/Signal.
If you have difficulty making a choice, let the chef decide.
Customers can choose seasonal oysters from France or other regions (including West Africa / Australia / Japan / Portugal, etc.).
Typically, seasonal oysters are sized as No.2, with the majority being French or Spanish oysters.

Direction: Soak the oysters with cold water for around 15 minutes and shuck the oysters by shucking knife

Preservation Method: To keep the oysters fresh, cover them with wet towel and put them in the fridge(0-5 degrees Celsius) . We strongly suggest that the oysters should be served asap after shucking . Shelf Life: 3 days

*$2/$5 is charged for the shucking of each oyster.
*To keep fresh, customers who choose to open the oyster, we recommend should eat within one hour after receiving the food.
開蠔選項|Shucking Options

時令生蠔可有 海水味重/海水味較輕/Creamy 味道。

下單時可在註明或Whatsapp/Signal 通知我們。

如果自問有選擇困難症,不妨交由師傅發板 ~

一般時令生蠔會以 No.2 size 為準,多數會以法國蠔為主。

食用方法: 先用凍水浸15分鐘,再用開蠔刀打開生蠔。
保存方法: 食用前/後把餘留的生蠔用濕毛巾蓋上並放在0 -5°C的雪櫃內,以保持它的鮮味(建議打開生蠔後立即食用),保質期最長為三天。

*不包開蠔 (開蠔另收每隻$2/$5)

Seasonal oysters can have a strong sea flavor / mild sea flavor / creamy taste.
You can notify us about your order through the packaging or via Whatsapp/Signal.
If you have difficulty making a choice, let the chef decide.
Customers can choose seasonal oysters from France or other regions (including West Africa / Australia / Japan / Portugal, etc.).
Typically, seasonal oysters are sized as No.2, with the majority being French or Spanish oysters.

Direction: Soak the oysters with cold water for around 15 minutes and shuck the oysters by shucking knife

Preservation Method: To keep the oysters fresh, cover them with wet towel and put them in the fridge(0-5 degrees Celsius) . We strongly suggest that the oysters should be served asap after shucking . Shelf Life: 3 days

*$2/$5 is charged for the shucking of each oyster.
*To keep fresh, customers who choose to open the oyster, we recommend should eat within one hour after receiving the food.

屯元天消費滿$400,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $400 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

九龍區及新界區(偏遠地區例外)購物滿 $600,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $600 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

港島區、西貢、東涌及其他偏遠地區消費滿$1500,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $800 的每張訂單將收取運費 $210、滿$800,而不足$1500 的每張訂單將收取運費$60(尊貴會員除外),歡迎下單前聯絡本公司查詢。




香港、九龍及新界區,我們的運輸隊伍逢星期一至日 及 公眾假期,都會為顧客安排送貨服務。 我們會優先處理指定地址樓下附近交收,暫不設上樓 及 指定時間送貨服務。顧客可以選擇不同的時間帶送貨。


—11:00 - 14:00

—14:00 - 18:00

—17:00 - 20:00


屯元天消費滿$400,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $400 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

九龍區及新界區(偏遠地區例外)購物滿 $600,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $600 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

港島區、西貢、東涌及其他偏遠地區消費滿$1500,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $800 的每張訂單將收取運費 $210、滿$800,而不足$1500 的每張訂單將收取運費$60(尊貴會員除外),歡迎下單前聯絡本公司查詢。




香港、九龍及新界區,我們的運輸隊伍逢星期一至日 及 公眾假期,都會為顧客安排送貨服務。 我們會優先處理指定地址樓下附近交收,暫不設上樓 及 指定時間送貨服務。顧客可以選擇不同的時間帶送貨。


—11:00 - 14:00

—14:00 - 18:00

—17:00 - 20:00



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