美國Sterling Silver 斧頭扒 1-1.9kg [需烹調] USA Sterling Silver Tomahawk 1-1.9kg [Need to be cooked]

$668.00 $530.25

美國Sterling Silver斧頭扒

  1. 斧頭扒的部位:斧頭扒是從牛背部的肋骨周圍切下來的,包括肋骨和椎骨之間的脊椎肌。
  2. 級別分類:Sterling Silver 斧頭扒是經過美國國家牛肉協會(National Beef Association)認證的高品質牛肉,分為三個等級:Prime、Choice 和 Select,以Prime為最高等級。
  3. 熟成過程:Sterling Silver 斧頭扒經過21天以上的熟成過程,使其更加軟嫩和美味。
  4. 烹調方法:Sterling Silver 斧頭扒可以用燒烤、煎、烤箱等方式烹調,最好用中高溫度,每邊烤3-4分鐘。
  5. 建議搭配:Sterling Silver 斧頭扒與綠色蔬菜、蘑菇、馬鈴薯、紅酒等搭配,可帶出牛肉的豐富風味。


重量:1-1.9KG,跟骨界 (如需要其他Size,可以向我們查詢)




  1. 自然解凍後,放置室溫下讓其回溫約30分鐘。
  2. 準備燒烤爐或平底鍋,加熱至高溫。
  3. 將斧頭扒塗上橄欖油或其他高溫食用油,再用鹽和黑胡椒調味。
  4. 放置斧頭扒在燒烤爐或平底鍋上,烤至每邊約3-5分鐘,視乎你喜歡的口感熟度。
  5. 取出斧頭扒,讓其靜置幾分鐘讓肉汁回流,再灑上少量海鹽作點綴。
  6. 享用美味的美國Sterling Silver斧頭扒,可以配上你喜歡的蔬菜和馬鈴薯等配菜。




 USA Sterling Silver Tomahawk

Cut: The Tomahawk steak is a type of ribeye steak that is cut with at least 5 inches of rib bone still attached, giving it a distinctive shape resembling a Tomahawk axe.

Grading: Sterling Silver Tomahawk steak is a high-quality beef certified by the National Beef Association in the United States, with three grades: Prime, Choice, and Select, with Prime being the highest grade.

Aging: Sterling Silver Tomahawk steak is aged for at least 21 days to enhance its tenderness and flavor.

Cooking method: Sterling Silver Tomahawk steak can be grilled, pan-seared, or baked, preferably at medium-high temperature, for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Recommended pairing: Sterling Silver Tomahawk steak goes well with green vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes, red wine, and other complementary flavors to bring out the rich taste of the beef.

Why is bone-in steak particularly delicious? Some say that beef bones not only provide insulation to prevent the meat from becoming too tough, but the bone marrow and fat also enhance the flavor of the beef. The collagen between the bone and meat also helps to retain moisture and tenderness, while the large bone helps to maintain the shape of the steak and prevent loss of juices during cooking, resulting in a more concentrated and intense flavor.

Origin: United States

Weight: 1-1.9kg, bone-in (other sizes are available upon request)

Storage: Store in a freezer at -18°C or below to preserve its freshness.

Thawing method: Thaw in a refrigerator at 0-5°C for best quality and freshness. It is recommended to consume immediately after thawing. *Quick thawing method is to place the product in a bag and thaw it in water.

Cooking method:

After thawing, leave the steak at room temperature for about 30 minutes to allow it to warm up.

Prepare the grill or pan and heat to high temperature.

Brush the Tomahawk steak with olive oil or other high-temperature cooking oil and season with salt and black pepper.

Place the Tomahawk steak on the grill or pan and grill for about 3-5 minutes on each side, depending on your desired level of doneness.

Remove the steak from the grill or pan and let it rest for a few minutes to allow the juices to flow back in, then sprinkle with a small amount of sea salt for decoration.

Enjoy the delicious USA Sterling Silver Tomahawk Steak with your favorite vegetables and potatoes as side dishes.

屯元天消費滿$400,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $400 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

九龍區及新界區(偏遠地區例外)購物滿 $600,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $600 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

港島區、西貢、東涌及其他偏遠地區消費滿$1500,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $800 的每張訂單將收取運費 $210、滿$800,而不足$1500 的每張訂單將收取運費$60(尊貴會員除外),歡迎下單前聯絡本公司查詢。




香港、九龍及新界區,我們的運輸隊伍逢星期一至日 及 公眾假期,都會為顧客安排送貨服務。 我們會優先處理指定地址樓下附近交收,暫不設上樓 及 指定時間送貨服務。顧客可以選擇不同的時間帶送貨。


—11:00 - 14:00

—14:00 - 18:00

—17:00 - 20:00


屯元天消費滿$400,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $400 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

九龍區及新界區(偏遠地區例外)購物滿 $600,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $600 的每張訂單將收取運費 $150。

港島區、西貢、東涌及其他偏遠地區消費滿$1500,便享免費送貨服務(僅免費一個送貨點)。不足 $800 的每張訂單將收取運費 $210、滿$800,而不足$1500 的每張訂單將收取運費$60(尊貴會員除外),歡迎下單前聯絡本公司查詢。




香港、九龍及新界區,我們的運輸隊伍逢星期一至日 及 公眾假期,都會為顧客安排送貨服務。 我們會優先處理指定地址樓下附近交收,暫不設上樓 及 指定時間送貨服務。顧客可以選擇不同的時間帶送貨。


—11:00 - 14:00

—14:00 - 18:00

—17:00 - 20:00


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